A team of economists from the University of Passau has shown how Facebook ads can be used to identify people at risk of developing diabetes.
How will the future labor market look and are European education systems endowing the next generation with the skills they will need to succeed? These questions are at the heart of a new research project at the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt.
What are the links between migrant career prospects and their working abroad in the EU? This was a guiding question of a research project coordinated by the University of Bamberg. The project aimed to develop a long-term approach to supporting migrant worker integration and combating labor shortages in the EU.
In collaboration with business partners, researchers are developing ways to improve mobility in rural regions and expand e-vehicle charging infrastructure.
Successful negotiating skills are important in business—but training this ability is both time-consuming and costly. To remedy this, researchers at HNU have combined speech recognition, artificial intelligence, machine learning and virtual reality to develop a virtual negotiation training.
Affective reactions—or gut feelings—play a key role in consumer decision-making. Researchers at the University of Passau are seeking to understand this process better and help consumers make better decisions.
The internet giants need smart regulation. At Passau University, Information Systems professor Jan Krämer and his team are developing models for this.
30 years ago, for the only time, the rotational arch technology by engineer Günter Kupczik was integrated into the Dresden sewer system. Aiming to achieve better volume management during heavy rainfall and to solve the issue of sediment removal without requiring personnel, Kupczik began working on the innovative rotational arch solution as early as the 1980s. Comparative analyses conducted by TU Dresden revealed that, at the time, the rotational arch was the only technical solution in which mechanical components did not come into contact with wastewater, the full flow cross-section remained available at all times, and precise control was possible even under backed-up operational conditions.
Generative AI copilots are already being used in many companies. Can they assist employees with data analysis and decision-making? And if not, how can this be changed? These are some of the questions addressed by a team at the University of Passau in a new bidt project led by Professor Ulrich Gnewuch.
Hof, Germany – Hof University of Applied Sciences is undertaking a new research project aimed at developing sustainable substrates for plant production. Led by Dr. Harvey Harbach, a research group in collaboration with regional and industrial partners is exploring how sheep wool, as a natural material, can replace peat and plastic in the cultivation of vegetable seedlings.