In Germany, and Bavaria particularly, you will find many funding opportunities to support your research. From funding offered by universities to special European grants, we provide an overview of PhD scholarships, postdoc fellowships, and other grants you can apply for in Bavaria.

Funding for Your Research

The list below, while not exhaustive, provides information on some of the most common funding options that you can apply for directly.*

Tips for a Successful Application

  • Before you apply, find the appropriate institution or host: Your research project should fit into their research agenda or complement it. Browse our research topics and database “Find your peers” to start your search.
  • Take your time to develop a coherent project idea and discuss it with your host professor.
  • For all funding programs, you will need to document the support of your host. Depending on the program, an invitation letter, a hosting statement, a joint proposal or even a commitment to co-finance the grant may be required.
  • Advanced researchers will be referred to the university’s funding advice service to discuss the strategical and financial aspects of the application. At this career level, the preparation of an application can take several months, so plan ahead and with plenty of time.

Variety in Funding Options

The programs listed here are not the only way to fund your research. Other options include:

Short-Term Research Stays

If you are looking for special funding to cover a short-term visit to a Bavarian university, there are many PhD scholarships and short-term research grants for you to consider. Basic amounts vary between ca. €1,000 and €2,000 depending on the career level and are often complemented by allowances for specific purposes.

Short-Term Grants

German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
  • Type of funding: short-term grant
  • Open to: highly qualified PhDs and postdocs
  • Subject area: all disciplines
  • What funding covers: fixed amount per month, healthcare cover, accident and personal liability insurance benefits, travel allowance
  • Duration: 1–6 months
  • Application deadline: twice yearly
  • Funding information: Short Term Grants

Research Stays for University Academics and Scientists

German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
  • Type of funding: short-term grant
  • Subject area: all disciplines
  • Open to: university teachers and established academics and scientists who have usually completed a doctoral degree and work at a university or research institute in their home country.
  • What funding covers: fixed amount per month
  • Duration: 1–3 months
  • Application deadline: once or twice yearly
  • Funding information: Research Stays for University Academics and Scientists

Research Grants in Germany

German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
  • Type of funding: research grant
  • Subject Area: all disciplines
  • Open to: highly qualified graduates, doctoral candidates, and postdocs who have obtained their doctorate within the last 4 years
  • What funding covers: fixed amount per month including cover for health, accident, and personal liability insurance, travel allowance. One-off research grant, preparatory language courses, monthly rent allowances, as well as supplements for accompanying family members for funding periods of more than six months.
  • Duration: 2–12 months for graduates and doctoral candidates, 2-6 months for postdocs
  • Application deadline: annual, depending on country of origin
  • Funding information: Research Grants in Germany

Scholarship Program 1

Catholic Academic Exchange Service (KAAD)
  • Type of funding: scholarship or short-term scholarship
  • Subject area: all disciplines
  • Open to: graduates, doctoral candidates, and postdocs of Catholic denomination (particularly those from the Middle East) or candidates from other religions who are put forward by Catholic partners and can prove their commitment to interreligious dialogue.
  • Amount: (not specified)
  • Duration: one year, or research stays of 2 – 6 months
  • Application deadline: annual
  • Funding information: Scholarship Program 1

Eastern European Program

Catholic Academic Exchange Service (KAAD)
  • Type of funding: short-term scholarship
  • Subject area: all disciplines
  • Open to: graduates, PhD candidates, postdocs, and scientists and lecturers from Central, Eastern, or Southeastern Europe, the Caucuses, and Central Asia. Good knowledge of German and of Catholic denomination (other denominations will be considered, provided candidates are put forward by catholic partners).
  • Amount: (not specified)
  • Duration: maximum 6 months
  • Application deadline: twice yearly
  • Funding information: Programme for Eastern Europe

PhD Funding

Because tuition is free in Germany, PhD scholarships are generally offered by third-party organizations rather than the universities. Basic amounts vary between ca. €800 and €2,000 depending on the organization and are often complemented by allowances for specific purposes.

Research Grants – Doctoral Programmes

German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
  • Type of funding: research grant
  • Subject area: all disciplines
  • Open to: highly qualified graduates
  • What funding covers: fixed amount per month, including cover for health, accident, and personal liability insurance, travel allowance, one-off research grant, preparatory language courses, sometimes also monthly rent allowances, as well as monthly supplements for accompanying family members
  • Duration: maximum 4 years
  • Application deadline: annual, depending on country of origin
  • Funding information: DAAD Research Grants – Doctoral Programmes

Bi-nationally Supervised Doctoral Degrees / Cotutelle

German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
  • Type of funding: research grant
  • Subject area: all disciplines
  • Open to: highly qualified doctoral candidates
  • What funding covers: fixed amount per month, including health, accident and personal liability insurance, travel allowance, one-off research grant, preparatory language courses, occasionally monthly rent allowances, as well as monthly supplements for accompanying family members, travel and living expenses for university lecturers
  • Duration: maximum 2 years, can be divided into several short research stays.
  • Application deadline: annual, depending on country of origin
  • Funding information: Bi-nationally Supervised Doctoral Degrees / Cotutelle

Doctoral Scholarship

German Academic Scholarship Foundation (Studienstiftung)
  • Type of funding: research grant
  • Subject area: all disciplines
  • Open to: highly qualified and socially committed doctoral candidates who have been accepted on a doctoral program at a German university
  • What funding covers: fixed amount per month, contributions towards health insurance costs (50%; max. of 100€/month), family/childcare allowances, travel grants. As a scholarship holder you are supported in your academic and personal development by an adviser in the German Academic Scholarship Foundation’s office and a personal tutor at your home university. Furthermore, you can benefit from social activities, international networking and an interdisciplinary academic program.
  • Duration: maximum 3,5 years, child birth, parental leave, eldercare and illness can extend this period
  • Application deadline: applications are accepted on a rolling basis
  • Funding information: Doctoral Scholarships


Elite Network of Bavaria
  • Type of funding: salaried part-time employment of 25% (TV-L E13)
  • Subject area: all disciplines
  • Open to: highly qualified doctoral candidates who have obtained a doctoral scholarship of the German Academic Scholarship Foundation (Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes)
  • What funding covers: salaried part-time employment of 25% at any university in Bavaria (providing social security as well as important experience in teaching academic classes and in administrative tasks). As a member of the Elite Network of Bavaria you benefit from activities, international networking and add-ons to your doctorate within our interdisciplinary excellence program.
  • Duration: ends with doctoral scholarship of the German Academic Scholarship Foundation (Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes)
  • Application deadline: applications accepted on a rolling basis; parallel to the application for the doctoral scholarship or in the first year of the doctoral scholarship
  • Funding information: Marianne-Plehn-Program

One-year Scholarship Program for Graduates of Central, Eastern and Southeastern European States

Bavarian Academic Center for Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe (BayHost)

Doctoral Fellowships in Quantum Science

Munich Quantum Valley
  • Type of funding: research grant
  • Subject area: quantum sciences
  • Open to: highly qualified doctoral candidates affiliating with one of the MQV research groups
  • What funding covers: a 75% working position (TV-L E13) and generous research and conference travel allowance. MQV doctoral students affiliated with related research groups can enter the existing graduate programs at their respective institutions. Moreover, they can participate in QST summer schools and a wide range of workshops organized by MQV partners, e.g. MCQST and Max Planck IMPRS programs.
  • Duration: 3 years
  • Application deadline: 15 January
  • Funding information: Doctoral Fellowships, Munich Quantum Valley

PhD Fellowship Basic Biomedical Research

Boehringer Ingelheim
  • Type of funding: research grant
  • Subject area: biomedicine
  • Open to: highly qualified doctoral candidates
  • What funding covers: fixed amount per month additional funding for travel costs, if applicable additional funds for children and spouses
  • Duration: maximum 3 years
  • Application deadline: 1 February, 2 June and 2 October each year
  • Funding information: PhD Fellowship Basic Biomedical Research

PhD Scholarship in the Historical Sciences

Gerda Henkel Stiftung
  • Type of funding: research grant
  • Subject area: historical humanities
  • Open to: highly qualified doctoral candidates
  • What funding covers: fixed amount per month, family allowance, relocation costs if applicable, travel allowance and funding for research materials as necessary
  • Duration: 2 years
  • Application deadline: applications accepted on a rolling basis
  • Funding information: PhD Scholarship in the Historical Sciences

Funding for Postdocs

Funding for Postdocs is often offered in the form of a salaried position. The grant usually covers a monthly stipend of around €2,300 and more as well as financial support for resources you may need for your research.

Walter Benjamin Programme

German Research Foundation (DFG)
  • Type of funding: salaried position
  • Subject area: all disciplines
  • Open to: postdoctoral researchers at an early career phase
  • What funding covers: salaried position, funding for resources and travel, as well as publication costs and benefits for parents, if necessary.
  • Duration: maximum 2 years
  • Application deadline: applications accepted on a rolling basis
  • Funding information: Walter Benjamin Programme

Individual Research Grants

German Research Foundation (DFG)
  • Type of funding: salaried position
  • Subject area: all disciplines
  • Open to: researchers with a doctoral degree
  • What funding covers: own position, resources, and staff
  • Duration: depending on the project (several years)
  • Application deadline: applications accepted on a rolling basis
  • Funding information: Individual Research Grants

Humboldt Research Fellowship for Postdoctoral Researchers

Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
  • Type of funding: research grant
  • Subject area: all disciplines
  • Open to: postdocs who have obtained their doctorate within the last 4 years
  • What funding covers: fixed amount per month, mobility allowance, allowance for health and liability insurance, family allowance, preparatory language courses for you and your spouse
  • Duration: 6-24 months
  • Application deadline: March, July and November each year
  • Funding information: Humboldt Research Fellowship for Postdoctoral Researchers

Georg Forster Research Fellowship

Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
  • Type of funding: research grant
  • Subject area: all disciplines
  • Open to: postdocs from developing and emerging countries who have obtained their doctorate within the last 4 years
  • What funding covers: fixed amount per month intensive language course for researchers, their spouse before the start of the scholarship, financial support for the family and travel allowance
  • Duration: 6-24 months
  • Application deadline: February, June and October each year
  • Funding information: Georg Forster Research Fellowship

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship

European Commission


General Research Grants: Scholarships

Gerda Henkel Stiftung
  • Type of funding: research grant
  • Subject area: historical humanities
  • Open to: postdocs who have obtained their doctorate within the last 10 years
  • What funding covers: fixed amount per month, family allowance, allowance for scholarships abroad, travel aid and material aid
  • Duration: 1-24 months
  • Application deadline: several times during the year
  • Funding information: General Research Grants: Scholarships

Funding for Your Own Research Group

Experienced postdocs who are ready to take the next step in their careers, can apply for funding of their own research group. The grants are typically longer-term and highly sought after. As well as financing your own position at university, costs for your staff and for your equipment are covered. Depending on the organization and on your project, the total amount can reach up to €3M for the whole funding period.

Emmy Noether Programme

German Research Foundation (DFG)
  • Type of funding: salaried position
  • Subject area: all disciplines
  • Open to: experienced postdocs who have obtained their doctorate within the last 4 years.
  • What funding covers: salaried position, and additional modules for resources, and staff, family allowance
  • Duration: maximum 6 years
  • Application deadline: applications accepted on a rolling basis
  • Funding information: Emmy-Noether Programme

Heisenberg Programme

German Research Foundation (DFG)
  • Type of funding: research grant, salaried position and your own research group, or professorship
  • Subject area: all disciplines
  • Open to: researchers who have qualified for professorship
  • What funding covers: fixed amount per month, funding for research materials, travel allowance, if applicable additional funds for children; salaried position or professorship, funding for research materials, resources
  • Duration: maximum 5 years
  • Application deadline: applications accepted on a rolling basis
  • Special features: when you are accepted into the Heisenberg Program, you can choose from different types of funding (research grant, salaried position and funds for your own research group, or professorship)You initially request a Heisenberg grant
  • Funding information: Heisenberg Programme


Junior Research Groups

Elite Network of Bavaria
  • Type of funding: salaried position
  • Subject area: all disciplines
  • Open to: postdocs who have obtained their doctorate within the last two to five years
  • What funding covers: salaried position, and resources for staff, research materials and equipment, family allowance
  • Duration: maximum 6 years
  • Application deadline: not currently accepting applications
  • Funding information: Junior Research Groups

ERC Starting Grant and ERC Consolidator Grant

European Research Council (ERC)

Funding for Established Researchers

There is ample support for highly qualified researchers looking to pursue a research career in Bavaria. To qualify for this type of funding, applicants will generally need to have qualified for professorship, e.g. by a previous group leader position, a habilitation or a particularly strong academic record. Basic amounts vary considerably depending on the funding organization, your project and your experience.

Individual Research Grants

German Research Foundation (DFG)
  • Type of funding: salaried position
  • Subject area: all disciplines
  • Open to: researchers with a doctoral degree
  • What funding covers: own position, resources, and staff
  • Duration: depending on the project (several years)
  • Application deadline: applications accepted on a rolling basis
  • Funding information: Individual Research Grants

Humboldt Research Fellowship for Experienced Researchers

Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
  • Type of funding: research grant
  • Subject area: all disciplines
  • Open to: researchers who have obtained their doctorate within the last 12 years
  • What funding covers: fixed amount per month, mobility allowance, allowance for health and liability insurance, family allowance, preparatory language courses for you and your spouse
  • Duration:  6-18 months, the stay can be divided into up to three stays within three years
  • Application deadline: March, July and November each year
  • Funding information: Humboldt Research Fellowship for Experienced Researchers

Georg Forster Research Fellowship

Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
  • Type of funding: research grant
  • Subject area: all disciplines
  • Open to: experienced researchers from developing and emerging countries who have obtained their doctorate within the last 12 years
  • What funding covers: fixed amount per month intensive language course for researchers and their spouse before the start of the scholarship, financial support for the family and travel allowance
  • Duration: 6 - 18 months
  • Application deadline: February, June and October each year
  • Funding information: Georg Forster Research Fellowship

Heisenberg Programme

German Research Foundation (DFG)
  • Type of funding: research grant, salaried position and own research group, or professorship
  • Subject area: all disciplines
  • Open to: researchers who have qualified for professorship
  • What funding covers: fixed amount per month, travel allowance, if applicable additional funds for children; salaried position or professorship, funding for research materials, resources
  • Duration: maximum 5 years
  • Application deadline: applications accepted on a rolling basis
  • Special features: when you are accepted into the Heisenberg Program, you can choose from different types of funding (research grant, salaried position and funds for your own research group, or professorship)
  • Funding information: Heisenberg Programme

Lichtenberg Endowed Professorship

Volkswagen Foundation
  • Type of funding: professorship W2 / W3
  • Subject area: all disciplines
  • Open to: professors
  • Amount: €2M
  • Duration: 5 years
  • Application deadline: applications accepted on a rolling basis
  • Special features: joint application with the university, which has to contribute another €3M to the endowment capital
  • Funding information: Lichtenberg Endowed Professorship

ERC Advanced Grant

European Research Council (ERC)
  • Type of funding: own research group
  • Subject area: all disciplines
  • Open to: researchers who have a track-record of significant research contributions achievements in the last 10 years, exceptional leaders in terms of originality and significance of their research
  • What funding covers: salaried position, staff, resources, technical equipment
  • Duration: 5 years maximum
  • Application deadline: each year
  • Special features: the “German National Contact Point ERC” and the “European Liaison Office of the German Research Organisations“ (KoWi) support researchers in all phases of their research project, including the application
  • Funding information: ERC Adanced Grant

General Research Grants: Scholarship

Gerda Henkel Stiftung
  • Type of funding: research grant
  • Subject area: historical humanities
  • Open to: researchers with habilitation, associate professors, senior lecturers or similar
  • What funding covers: fixed amount per month, family allowance, living abroad allowance, travel allowance and resources as necessary
  • Duration: 1-24 months
  • Application deadline: several times each year
  • Funding information: General Research Grants: Scholarship

Threatened Researchers

Discrimination, the violation of human rights, armed conflicts and wars are threatening the lives and work of researchers in different parts of the world. With awareness rising among the research community, support structures are currently adapted and new programs developed.
Funding programs running on a long-term basis and available to all threatened researchers who want to join Bavarian universities are listed here.

Philipp Schwartz-Fellowship

Alexander von Humboldt Foundation

The Philipp Schwartz Initiative provides funding for researchers who are facing severe threats, including threats of violence, torture, wrongful imprisonment or prosecution. Various Bavarian universities have hosted Philipp Schwartz Fellows during the last years and developed support programs to integrate these researchers. These institutions recently founded a network to provide better support for potential applicants as well as current fellows.

  • Type of funding: research grant
  • Subject area: all disciplines
  • Open to: threatened researchers with a doctoral degree; a confirmation of a pertinent threat should be confirmed either by way of a residence status in the context of an asylum-granting procedure within the EU or by way of a credible threat assessment issued no more than 12 months ago by a third party, such as the Scholars at Risk Network (SAR) or the Council for At-Risk Academics (CARA)
  • What funding covers: fixed amount per month (around €3,500/month)
  • Duration: max. 3 years
  • Application deadline: applications accepted on a rolling basis
  • Special Features: the university applies for the funds in accordance with its institutional strategy for threatened researchers; researchers should contact the university of their choice or the Scholars at Risk Network.
  • Funding information: Philipp Schwartz-Fellowship

Support for Researchers from Ukraine

The scientific community and universities in Bavaria offer their support to students and researchers, who were forced to leave Ukraine and have arrived in Bavaria. Ad-hoc funding programs have been put in place by a large range of institutions on a regional as well as on the national level. In Bavaria, both universities and research groups can act as a host and nominate you for specific programs.

How to find your host:

Use our database “Find Your Peers” and our list of structured PhD programs to find a research group or host in your field. You can also check out our social media accounts to find out about current job offers for young researchers at Bavarian universities.

How to get funding:

Your host, together with the Research Funding Offices and Welcome Centers at the university of your choice are glad to inform you about adequate options and guide you through the process.

Coordination Office for Ukraine and further assistance

The Coordination Office for Ukraine, a service by the Bavarian Academic Center for Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe (BayHOST), connects students and academics with Bavarian universities. Their website provides an overview of all support measures put in place and useful information for the time after your arrival.

Furthermore, we can also recommend DAAD’s Webpage on offers of assistance for Ukrainian students and scientists.

* No responsibility is taken for the correctness of the details provided. Please refer to the individual funding organization for the latest information.

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