University of Bamberg

Internationale Studierende
Wissenschaftlicher Stab

The University of Bamberg is a mid-sized university located in Bavaria. It places a clear academic focus on the humanities, social and economic sciences, human sciences and on information systems and applied computer science. Teacher training occupies a prominent position in this unique profile.

Research Profile

Four focal areas form the core of the University of Bamberg’s research profile: “Digital Humanities, Social Sciences and Human Sciences”; "Empirical Social Research with a focus on Education and Labour”; “Analysis and Preservation of Cultural Heritage”; and “Medieval Culture and Society”. With its 29 smaller disciplines, Bamberg boasts Bavaria’s largest proportion of small subjects relative to the total number of subjects represented at the university.


Two affiliated institutes, faculty-spanning centers and research clusters provide a framework for interdisciplinary research. The university is internationally oriented. It promotes young scholars with resources like the Graduate Centre Trimberg Research Academy (TRAc) and numerous structured doctoral degree programmes.

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