Applied computer scientists at the University of Bamberg are currently developing an AI medical companion that will help doctors in recognising and diagnosing types of cancer and pain.
What are the links between migrant career prospects and their working abroad in the EU? This was a guiding question of a research project coordinated by the University of Bamberg. The project aimed to develop a long-term approach to supporting migrant worker integration and combating labor shortages in the EU.
Smartphones, social media, enterprise IT—digital technologies can trigger stress. The ForDigitHealth research association is investigating how we can stay digitally healthy. In order to understand the topic holistically, the researchers are working together on an interdisciplinary basis.
Three Bamberg researchers discuss how AI research can benefit from interdisciplinary collaboration. Even the speech recognition software Siri gets a word in.
Researchers at the University of Bamberg are exploring and enlivening the architecture of the past through cutting-edge technology.
What relevance do Islamic artefacts have for contemporary Islamic cultural heritage? This question underpins the study of Islamic Art and Archaeology.
The career of American Studies scholar Georgiana Banita has not followed the traditional path; she thinks and works flexibly on a project-by-project basis. In “Security for All,” she explores the controversial practice of predictive policing.
Carsten Schwemmer hat an der Universität Bamberg im Fachgebiet Computational Sciences promoviert.
Unsere Sonne zählt im Umkreis von zehn Parsec (33 Lichtjahre) über 400 Sterne und eine stetig wachsende Zahl an Exoplaneten zu ihren direkten Nachbarn. Jetzt kommen zwei neue Super-Erden am Rand der solaren Nachbarschaft im viertnächsten Sternsystem hinzu. Sie wurden vor kurzem von einem internationalen Forschungsteam entdeckt, zu dem auch Dr. Karan Molaverdikhani aus der Arbeitsgruppe von ORIGINS PI Prof. Barbara Ercolano zählt. Leben ist zwar auf diesen beiden Exoplaneten eher unwahrscheinlich, sie gehören allerdings zu aussichtsreichen Kandidaten für die Beobachtungsliste des James-Webb-Weltraumteleskops – dieses soll die Atmosphären der beiden Super-Erden spektroskopisch untersuchen.
Historiker Peter Riedlberger erhält einen ERC Consolidator Grant in Höhe von 2 Millionen Euro.